
Storytelling is an essential component of both knowledge sharing and creating an emotional connection.  It has endured centuries and countless educational revolutions because there is nothing quite like hearing someone with both subject matter expertise and lived experience. Stories shape the world around us, and words make worlds.  Beyond gender equality, I have given talks on design, creativity, AI, the future of work and co-founding my own business.  With experience as an entrepreneur as well as executive roles in Fortune 500 and the non-profit world, I believe the best speakers motivate others to achieve unrealized potential.  Strategic communication is a tool I have used it to make complex topics and technologies consumable and approachable. I am grateful for each opportunity to influence, teach and inspire others.

Select Speaking Engagements

Flex Summit Future of Work

Lesbians Who Tech

Entertainment Gathering

TED Talk: Does Watson Believe in God?

Design Can Change the World

Global Innovation Tour

women, voting, history

Good Girls Don’t Make History